

Your Quick Guide to Organizing a Family Reunion

Family reunions can be among the most difficult events to organize, and this is mainly because a lot of creative ideas will come crashing in even during the start of your planning. Family reunions are often celebrated when a milestone within the clan has been met, such as the grandparents’ wedding anniversary, the family matriarch’s birthday, or holiday occasions such as Christmas and New Year.

But while family reunions can be very tedious, they almost always end up fun and fulfilling, since everyone in the clan gets to bond together even for just a short period of time. So yes, if you are currently tasked to organize a family reunion, then it’s best that you start preparing as early as now.

The fundamentals of planning a successful family reunion are:


  1. Set a purpose for the reunion.

To be frank, not everyone in the family is excited to join the reunion; while it’s a festive event, many of them are going for the sake of compliance, especially when they were asked to represent their respective sides of the clan. This is something you have to break, if you’re the one organizing the activity, and you can only do this by setting the right agenda.

Why are you holding a family reunion in the first place? Once you have figured out the answer, you should send it out to the family members you intend to invite.

  1. Get to know everybody in the family.

Family reunions do not require cordial invitations since all clan members (and other relatives and very close friends) are automatically expected to attend. But as the planner, you need to get to know the expected guests. This is because you have to make sure that everyone will get along with each other just fine, even if on a regular day they clash because of their respective differences.

  1. Find a venue that works with the majority.

There are party venues in Singapore that are perfect for family reunions, not only because they provide a great ambiance but also due to their proximity to nearby hotels and transportation options. You have to settle on the needs of your guests in terms of transport and accommodation since they play a role in finding the venue that fits your needs.

Event planners who specialize on family gatherings usually start scouting for venues at least six months ahead of the target date. This is for them to secure the venue at the dates their clients want, and also to score discounts on the venue rental and other logistics needs.

  1. Give your client a significant role in making decisions during planning.

Since family reunions aim to satisfy the expectations of the guests, then it is best that you give your client a significant role when deciding on the details of the event, such as food, decorations, giveaways, entertainment, and the venue itself. This is because they know their family in a more thorough perspective, thus they know what will work during the reunion and which will not.


When looking for party venues in Singapore, it is likewise recommended to tag your client along so he or she can decide which place to hold the big celebration.

  1. Track your RSVPs.

Once everything in the logistics aspect of the family reunion has been settled, then you can focus on the invitees. You still need to send out invitations to the members of the family who will be taking part of the gathering, but you can do this through phone or social media. It is important that you find the targeted guests, including those who will be coming from abroad, as this will ensure you a good attendance rate during the party. Your guests will also feel important and compelled to go to the event mainly because they are kept updated regularly.
