
Web Design

The Best Collection Of Web Design Advice On The Internet

Websites have several purposes these days. The site can be used to sell products or provide entertainment, for example. Whatever the purpose of a site, it ought to be designed properly. Ahead are some great design tips to assist in creating a website for nearly any purpose.

Avoid using so-called “mystery meat navigation”. This involves using unlabeled images or other elements for the site’s navigation. In many cases, the visitor has to mouse over the buttons to even see what they do. Navigation is best kept simple. Use text links across the top or along the left side of the page.

If you want your site visitors to spend as much time as possible on your site, make text easy to read. One of the most common design mistakes is using graphic backgrounds with patterns or dark colors; combine this with equally dark text and you have a recipe for disaster. Unless the text is clear and easy to read, your site will not be a success.

Leave pop-up windows off your website. While these might seem valuable in some instances, most people think they are rather annoying. It’s likely that many of your visitors can’t even see them due to browser settings, so keep them happy and stick to one window at a time.

Make sure your website uses a consistent font throughout. Some websites change fonts willy-nilly without any design reason to do so. This makes the content difficult to process for visitors. Most websites, especially business websites, will do just fine sticking to basic fonts like Arial, Veranda, or even Times New Roman.


Keep in mind that your resources for web design are practically limitless since they can be found throughout the Internet. Look through the millions of websites online to get great ideas about how to design your own. Find one you like, write down what appeals to you and then figure out what you can mimic on your own. Remember though, you still want an original design, not a potluck of other site ideas. You can always improve ideas.

A lot of times when you load up a page to your file server, you cannot find it when you type in the address via your browser. You always need to double-check and ensure that you named the file correctly. Some people literally waste days trying to pinpoint the problem they believe is major, when in reality it’s only a simple typo.

Any good web design must include the proper planning as you are getting started. This planning process includes selecting a domain and a hosting package as well as planning out the information layout and designs. Planning is essential to web design, as it gets you ready beforehand to carry out your idea of the website.

Websites are useful in a number of ways, including allowing you to express yourself online. It’s important that if you are designing your own site you know what you are doing. Use these tips to design a site that viewers flock to.