How Do You Tell If a Flower Is a Lily?
April 15, 2024
True lilies belong to the Lilium genus of herbaceous flowering plants that grow from bulbs and have huge, striking blooms. Lilies are a category of blooming plants that are prominent in most of the world’s culture and literature. The majority of species are found in the temperate northern hemisphere, with some extending into the northern subtropics. Many lilies are valued as decorative plants and have undergone significant hybridization. Lilies are also absolutely wonderful as cut flowers, with subtle fragrances, robust stems, and hefty petals. They can be purchased from your local grocery stores and florists, or you can order them through services like flower delivery Singapore.
The common names of flowers might be one of the most attractive and interesting elements of gardening, but they can also be confusing. Many plants may have the name lily in their common name but are unrelated to real lilies. Many plants of other genera that resemble genuine lilies also can have common names that include the word lily. The daylily, or Hemerocallis, and numerous Amaryllidaceae species are among them. While Liliums are almost commonly referred to as lilies, many of us refer to daylilies as lilies as well. Despite their blooms’ resemblance to lilies, daylilies are not true lilies. True lilies have only one stem or shoot that grows from a bulb, but daylilies have multiple leaves that sprout from a crown. Peace lilies, canna lilies, water lilies, lily-of-the-valley, and calla lilies, are other examples of not true lilies. It can be vital to know the difference between true lilies and other “lilies,” and they can be distinguished by looking at the leaves, flower stalks, and how they grow.
True Lilies (Lilium)
Lilies are generally trumpet-shaped flowers with six simple or highly patterned sepals that sit atop a tall, upright stem with narrow, long, lance-shaped leaves. Lilies come in a wide variety of heights and colours, including gold, pink, orange, red, and white. Lilies also appear in a range of shapes and sizes, including bowl-shaped, funnel-shaped, and recurved blooms. True lilies are members of the Lilium genus, and they develop from a bulb with overlapping scales. They feature a single unbranched central stem that develops from the lily bulb, with flower buds developing at the top. The leaves grow in spirals around the whole length of the stem. Lilies may grow to be one and a half feet tall or as tall as ten feet. From spring through winter, you may enjoy their captivating flowers and enticing aromas by carefully combining early, mid-season, and late types into your garden. There are over 100 species of lilies, however, they are usually categorized based on their classification, such as Asiatic, Oriental, and Martagon, or Turk’s cap.
Asiatic lilies are the earliest blooming and simplest to cultivate of all the lilies. Pure white, pinks, vibrant yellows, oranges, and reds are available in hybrids, which range in height from one to six feet. Intensive breeding has removed most of the Asiatics’ scent, yet despite this, they are a favourite in flower arrangements and lily bouquet.
Oriental hybrids bloom in the middle to late summer, just when Asiatic lilies start to fade. Orientals are always a stunning option, as they come from small two-footers to towering eight-foot-tall options. The shorter ones are ideal for container gardening or patio areas. Oriental lilies are known for their seductive smell, which grows stronger after dark. They produce masses of enormous white, pink, red, or dual coloured flowers. They create excellent cut flowers with spicy fragrances that will fill even the biggest spaces.
Daylilies (Hemerocallis)
Daylilies and water lilies, as well as lilies-of-the-valley and lilyturf, are not true lilies. The six petals on the daylily flower are arranged in two layers of three if you look closely. The real petals are the top three, and sepals make up the lowest three. The neck, or heart of the flower, is frequently in a different contrasting hue. Six or seven stamens and a two-lobed anther are seen on each flower. Flower shapes for daylilies include round, triangular, double, ruffled, star-shaped, and spider-shaped. Daylilies also have readily split, thick, tuberous roots.
The leaves are a big clue as to what kind of plant you have with you. Long, flat strap-shaped blades grow in bunches from the top of the plant to the soil line on daylilies. Daylilies range in height from one foot to four feet. Hybridizers love daylilies, with more than 30,000 kinds to choose from.
While there are numerous distinctions between daylilies and true lilies, the growth pattern of the stems and leaves is the most important. A daylily is always multi-stemmed with strapping leaves growing from the base of the plant, whereas a true lily is usually a single stalk with leaves swirling around it.

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