Blawzy app


Blawzy – THE app for Helping Victims of Sexual Assault

Inspired by the #Metoo movement, a group of college graduates took the initiative to set up a new app and web platform to enable those who’ve experienced violence or a traumatic experience, with a focus on sexual assault, to find help and gain back their lives. The people behind the format found that the possibilities for help were rather scattered out and hard to reach out to. Research and statistics showed that there was a high need for a safe space for men and women who have faced sexual violence, and the numerous stories of friends of friends and anonymously shared posts only strengthen this. Hence, they created Blawzy (YES!).

Blawzy app

Blawzy is meant for the victims. It is there for all the people, both men and women, that have been (sexually) assaulted* at some point in their life. Sadly, this still affects many of us today, and over half of the cases are not reported. It has also been shown that those affected find it hard to share their stories, and that more support is still necessary. Obviously, the current situation needs to change and fortunately, you can do so now by supporting and/or using Blawzy app.

Blawzy offers help in several ways, such as a support community, a system where one can report and document incidents securely and they also give free access to mental health and legal resources. The main goal of this app is to create a digital safe space with resources for anyone that has been -or wants to help those that have been- a victim of sexual assault, trauma or violence. A good cause for sure.

Finally, an app that makes a difference. Finally, one central place to anonymously find or give help, instead of going on that path alone and not knowing where to go or what to do. Like no other Blawzy knows how helpful it can be to get as many perspectives as possible, and now victims can get this in a safe and secure way without facing the struggle of being laughed at or feeling ashamed for it even happening. The app is more though than just a place to openly talk about feelings and share opinions to find the right path, it also gives people the tools to act and take the next steps in their direction of finding peace.

In short, what does Blawzy actually offer:

  • People can document a traumatic event. Often people are not emotionally ready for the legal proceedings or confronting their assaulter, which can lead to delay or lack of justice. In the meanwhile, your encrypted evidence will be safe on the app, and it will still be there once you are ready.
  • Provide a support community. You can help those who need help by sharing your own experiences or be the one they can let their heart out to.
  • Connecting survivors with legal and mental health experts for free. Previously access to this was simply limited or completely off-limits to the average person. Now that has changed.

And we don’t mean a flirty compliment or an argument, we mean actual (!!!) assault.
