Characteristics of a Professional Blog with WordPress


Characteristics of a Professional Blog with WordPress

A blog must have features and elements that make it stand out and can reach a professional level, the image of your home-page says a lot about you, and if your home-page is upside down you can lose many opportunities such as: return of visits or possible clients.

To make your blog look professional, you must follow the following tips:

Characteristics of a Professional Blog with WordPress

  1. Put the foundations of your Blog

If you plan to start your own blog then you have to sit down and be clear about the following points:

  • Define the theme of Blog
  • Choose the name of your domain
  • Buy domain
  • Buy Hosting
  • Choose the WordPress or Blogger manager
  • Choose the template or theme in WordPress
  1. Set up your Blog in WordPress

After having laid the foundations and installed WordPress then the next step to execute is to configure your Blog. Go reviewing and configuring each following one:

  • Activate the template
  • Create pages for the menu
  • Configure the menu
  • General settings
  • Create users
  1. Plugins for your Blog in WordPress

Plugins are very important elements in your Blog with WordPress, since they can help you in tasks such as the following:

  • Socialize your blog.
  • Generate more traffic to your blog.
  • Protect your blog through security plugins.
  • Have a contact form.
  • Streamline the loading process of each page of our blog.
  • Statistics of our blog.
  • Blog search plugin, such as WPSOLR.
  1. Content and frequency

This is a topic from which you can find a lot of information on the Internet, but the truth is that there is no formula that says exactly the article number to be published on a weekly basis.

Everyone should look for the strategies that suit most, other factors that can influence the frequency of the content we generate can be: the writing ability and available time.