3 Crucial Internet Safety Tips to Know as a College Student
April 15, 2024
Over the years the innovations in the technology have increased dramatically. Now we have smart phones, smart computers, smart watches and even every technological creature has become smart. Since last few years, the cyber space technology rises no time ever before. Ultimately, people are more up to date and full of information regarding any particular subject having the fast and sharp internet connectivity with the tech-devices. Let’s do some brain storming, why the cyber space is covering every aspect of life and the world are lies on finger tips of the very individual user. Resultantly, a new kind of evils we are facing such as cyber security issues and crimes.
There are plenty of internet security threats and the month of October is a National Cyber Security Awareness. The current year 2017 is the year of cyber security attacks. Monstrous Ransomware cyber-attacks have done by the cyber criminals and the world security has once fallen this year.
Therefore, every individual should know the crucial internet safety in order to save their electronic devices, to prevent online scams, cyber-attacks and from scammers. There following three internet safety tips that every college student should know!
Keep Your Devices closer & use strong Password
Students especially college students share the workplace with their friends and also share sometimes communal areas of campus. It means that your device could be accessed by anytime and by anyone. You may be thinking that what stupidity I am telling you in this particular article. But let’s think for a while, you are at the airport, railway station or somewhere else, and then you want to leave your cell phone device for public use? The user should keep their device protected with the password on screen and don’t ever share it with anyone. Don’t speak of a password to anyone, and don’t use the obvious things while putting a password on your device. Because an obvious password hacked by the hackers. Therefore, don’t use the password such as the combination of your data of birth, day and month. Always protect your device by using the upper case and lower case numbers and letters and symbols as well. Students should use the different passwords for different websites. It will really help you out to protect your device from all kind of cyber dangers. The best way is to use the password manager which is actually software which creates, arrange and remember your all passwords.
Use Two Steps & Don’t Go Phishing
The best way is to consider websites only which enables you to store your information which only need two step authentications. It only means that there something in addition to the password. It is the obvious thing that people would always tend toward scams and may want to get their hands on your online money which you have saved in your accounts. Don’t ever think about to share your security pin or anything else on your phone with anyone. Because some hackers and scammers show you the same thing online and pretend to be genuine bank officials. That’s why don’t share your sensitive information without any confirmation as well as on in the online world.
Stays connect & create data back up
The young college students who are more tech-savvy than their previous generations should increase the awareness among the people regarding the security threats of the internet using. Tell the people how they can prevent all kinds of cyber-attacks and teach them how to do safer and successful online activities. Before making a click on a link always, first of all, confirm the link by opening your email. Make sure that all the security measures which have taken are up to the mark. When you are going to access a website always go for the website which starts with https. If you have saved confidential and sensitive data in your devices then create data back with the help of data back-up apps. It is very important since we have awareness about the cyber ransom ware attacks. These kinds of evils may hack your machine or device and then demands money. Make sure that your data have a strong back-up which helps you out in difficult times.

Darin is a wonderful person. He is very nice and always willing to help out! He loves his job because it lets him share interesting things with people who want to know about new developments in the world of technology.