

Valuable Tips for Creating an Animated Explainer Video

One of the best ways of familiarizing your customers with your products is by creating animated explainer videos. There is a growing trend where top brands are using animated explainer videos to market their products. This growing trend is influenced by the many benefits companies get by doing animated video production.


Creating an animated explainer video

When creating an animated explainer video, a company must show creativity. Not just any animated explainer video will hit the market with success but only the best video will have an impact. It is therefore of great importance to learn the techniques of creating a killer animated explainer video.

Tips for creating a killer animated explainer video

Here below are some of the most valuable tips that can be used while creating animated explainer videos:

  • It’s all in the script

The foundation of any good animated explainer video lies in its script. It is the building block of any good animated explainer video. To have the best script for your animated explainer video, it is advised that you pick on an outsider to write the script. An outsider will bring a new look needed for an animated explainer video.

  • The shorter the better

Another important thing that you need to learn is in the length of the video. As a tip of making a killer animated explainer video, it should be very short. The lesser you talk, the more likely for it to be remembered.

  • Keep it simple

Given its short length, an animated explainer video should be very simple. Try and stick to the basics i.e.

  • Stating the problem
  • Stating the solution
  • Showing how it works
  • Call for action.
  • Show benefits, not features

There is always the temptation by most brands to try and show of the features of their products. While features can truly be amazing, an animated explainer video is meant to capture the benefits of the product. Show your potential customers how they will benefit from choosing the product.

  • Use a professional voice

You need to have a voice that will attract customers to your video. If you are not gifted with a professional voice, you can seek outside help just to ensure that your video gets the best voice.

  • Set the tone with music

Music is a powerful tool that penetrates the human heart directly. You can have some rhythmical music in the background to capture the attention of customers.

  • Plan for the launch

Don’t be too excited after making good animated explainer videos that you forget about planning for the launch. You should plan for an effective launch of the video so as to get maximum reach. While planning, you should have 3 important things in your mind.

  • The video host that you will use
  • A marketing plan
  • Integration of the video with your website.

Following these tips will ensure that you have a killer video that will attract more customers and increase your revenue.