

Krait – The World’s First Modular PowerStrip that Fits All Your Scene

Do you have a lot of cords in your home? Krait is perfect for busy families and individuals who need to
keep their electronics organized and safe.

You may be using an old power strip that’s been sitting in your closet for years. It’s time to get it
replaced. Your power strip is a vital piece of your home electrical infrastructure.


Manufactured in Taiwan, Krait is designed with modern-day needs in mind. It features extra plugs with
added safety. You can use it to power up your devices, charge your batteries, and more. Plus, its easy-to-use design makes it perfect for any home. Plus, it is lightweight and easy to set up.

This product is scheduled to be launched on the Indiegogo on 15 January 2022. You can get exclusive
50% off on prelaunch till 14 January 2022.

Why Should You Have a Power Strip at Home?

If you’re like most people, you probably have at least one power strip in your home. And if you don’t,
you should get one. A power strip is a great way to connect your devices and outlets to a central
location. But it can also be a helpful tool for extending your cord reach, protecting your walls from frying during a power outage, and even powering up your computer when you need to stay connected while away from the office.

They help you conserve power and save money by shutting off the power to your electronics when not in use. Most people think of power strips as just for turning on the lights or powering up the appliances, but that’s only one part of the story. A power strip goes a long way toward reducing energy bills and ensuring the safety of your loved ones.