Meet Kamaleon, the Mozambican Tech Company Bringing Internet Access to Rural Communities
April 15, 2024
Launched in 2014, Kamaleon started life as a technology company based in Mozambique that used interactive technology for entertainment, marketing and advertising purposes. In 2016 Dayn Amade developed a unique solution that aims to bring information technology to those in rural areas in the form of a Community Tablet.
The comunity tablet, which was rolled out in Mozambique in November 2016, is an effective and ecofriendly solution for schools, health departments and hospitals to develop engaging health education messages for the community as opposed to relying on leaflets to spread health information.
Kamaleon is bringing Internet access to remote rural areas in Africa through a platform called Community Tablet ” (“Tablet Comunitário”). The Community Tablet is an innovative and engaging way of getting educational messages across various communities. Mozambique remains one of the countries in Africa and the world with a low percentage of the population with Internet access (Source: Internet World Stats, 2016).
Since 92.9% of the Mozambican population still has no Intenet access, the Community Tablet aims to promoting digital inclusion and ensure that more people have access to information and communication technologies.
Despite the growth of smart devices/internet access in Africa, there are still some areas that are cut-off from the virtual world. Kamaleon also offers internet access and training on how to use the internet and its features.
“A few years ago anyone who could not read and write was considered illiterate, but today this concept goes further, encompassing people who do not know how to use information and communication technologies. The Community Tablet is here to change that” – Dayn Amade
Website: www.kamaleon.co.mz
Facebook page: @tabletcomunitario

Peter is a friendly, knowledgeable writer and blogger who loves to share their knowledge of technology. He enjoys writing about the latest gadgets and gizmos as well as other information on how to use them. He has been blogging for years now, but he still loves it just as much as he did when he started!