What You Need To Know To Know About IPads
April 15, 2024
This article contains several tips to help iPad users of any level. It can help a beginner to get started with an iPad and help an experienced user to really maximize every second they spend with their tablet. Read through this article and you will be enjoy your experience even more.
Did you open too many apps? You can access all your open apps by tapping on the home button of your iPad and bar will appear at the bottom of you screen. Tap the app you want to access and repeat this process later to access your other running aps.
Keep your apps organized with the folder feature. The newest version of iOS allows users to create folders. To do this, tap and hold an app’s icon until it starts to move or jiggle. Then, drag the app until it is hovering over another app that you want in the same folder. Now just release. The iPad will automatically create a folder with both app icons inside.
If you need to charge up in a hurry, do not use an iPhone charger on the iPad. The iPhone charger supplies half the watts the iPad charger does. Charging with an iPhone charger will take far more time. Just use the original charger that was given with the iPad.
It is a good idea to turn off your iPad’s push mail. A lot of mail accounts default settings go to Push as a delivery mechanism. This automatically will push your new mail as soon as available. This can be distracting and interfere with what you are working on. Turn this feature off.
It can be irritating for your iPad to chime every time you get an email. The great thing is that you do not have to be. Go to the settings and tap on general. Select Sounds below the General tab. Find the New Mail sound and adjust it to your preference.
Do you want to prevent your iPad from automatically syncing when you hook it up to your computer? That is easy to accomplish. Make sure you are in iTunes, then hold down the Shift-Control or Command-Option buttons when you plug the iPad in. If you forget to do that step, then just swipe, the unlock during the sync, and it will stop.
Practice your iPad typing. One of the toughest things to get used to on the iPad is typing on a digital keyboard. It feels weird for most people to start, but you can get used to it with practice. Sit down for a few minutes every day and just type in your favorite word processing program. Soon you’ll feel at home.
Does the battery percentage indicator drive you crazy? If so, then it’s possible to turn this off, and it’s quite simple. Click on Settings. Once there, go to General and locate Usage. You will then have access to the battery percentage display and have the option to turn it off.
After reading this article, do you feel like you know something new about your iPad? There are lots of little tips to use your tablet well, so make sure you continue to play with it. The best part of the iPad is that it is almost impossible to do something wrong.

Peter is a friendly, knowledgeable writer and blogger who loves to share their knowledge of technology. He enjoys writing about the latest gadgets and gizmos as well as other information on how to use them. He has been blogging for years now, but he still loves it just as much as he did when he started!